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This is really cool, I'd like to see a longer version of this.

I want to play this, but the window it starts in is too big for my screen and I don't see any option to change that :(

This game is super fun, but it's too short to be really enjoyable

This game is really fascinating but also really short. I do agree that it disrupts the game balance when you realise that you can keep rolling in the first battle for a 6 for heal or damage without much challenge and it can help with the rest of the run. Other than that the mechanic of being able to roll for anything is super cool and also made me realise i can roll big cost cards for lower costs which helps with building strategies on how to win the game with the right set. I do hope it was longer but fun overall.

I think this is a super awesome idea!! Though you'd need to balance it around something other than stalling battles to optimize numerical values of your cards, and particularly avoid the exponentiation of the attack N times for M card.

Hey x310!
We just reviewed your game and we'd love to hear thoughts on it! Here's a link to the video:

this was so cute and I would absolutly LOVE to play more


I just WISH this game was longer

very good concept but is it just me or is it sooo hard

very hard i know

You need to be patient, which can be difficult for sure, but if you need help strategically I would recommend asking:

Are you maxing out your healing cards before leaving the first battle?

Are you minimizing your roll cost to 1 before leaving the first battle?

Are you making sure you have back-up roll cards/ the enemy is doing minimal damage before rolling a new max hp?

Are you making sure to stall out fights so you have time to level up, rather than winning them?


I love it

Really loved the concept, gg

Super adorable, fun game, I enjoyed the concept :)


this seems like a really good base for a fun roguelike where you just break everything on a good run

wow this is really great!




I dealt 400 damage in one hit after setting my max hp to 1, with a dice roll. 10/10, perfect game.

great game 10/10 would like to see more of it I like how rolling the die could be what ends the run or wins it 

Dude, make the full version and I will pay for this

Really innovative dice RPG. Great work! 


Since yesterday I beat the game like ten times, I want more of this :D

super cool game!


tfw you max your cards out during the first battle then roll a 1 trying to increase your health


I spent 20 minutes minmaxing my dice stats on the first enemy lmao

I love this a lot more than expected!

brilliant game

such a damn good game

Awesome concept ! I like it a lot :D Very inspiring.

ive never said to myself "oh thats very clever" more times then this game


Probably the best use of the theme I've seen so far.

What a great game :-) , very addicting ,soothing and creative!

fun, i really like it,it's the best game ,want to see more content :D

Beautiful, fun, well-balanced, creative, theme fitting.

This is 5/5 for me :)


i hate this game and im going to keep playing it

good game :)


sheewey! that was fun. beat that sucker dead

I really liked it :D


I was going to complain that it was almost impossible to get past the fourth monster, but once I did and realized that that was in fact the goal of the game, I ended up quite happy with it.  It's a very, very clever mechanic and an interesting puzzle to figure out how to both keep yourself alive and do enough damage.  It could be expanded, but I think it's a perfect size.

you can roll the dice on the monsters hp to weaken them

Yes, I know.  But it still took some effort to survive the last one.


My personal strat is to try and grab the big dice + the multi hit attack. Try it out, it's p easy to survive against the third enemy if you grab the big dice after the first one, and use it to buff your healing to tank everything. After that, it's simply a matter of rerolling it, and then the game breaks in half lol.

every time I tried to do that, it would throw me a terrible hand that just ruins the plan then checkmates me with a 8+1+1


I really liked the concept! Art work fits the theme really well :)


Really clever, this could really be expand in a bigger game ! 

A very unique concept! I enjoyed it a lot. The last fight was very challenging.


Wow! Nice card build game, that's so innovation!

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